Scientific Outputs​

Scientific Publications​

Development of FluoAHRL: A Novel Synthetic Fluorescent Compound That Activates AHR and Potentiates Anti-Inflammatory T Regulatory Cells, 2024
Natalija Jonić, Ivan Koprivica, Christos M. Chatzigiannis, Antonis D. Tsiailanis, Stavroula G. Kyrkou, Eleftherios Paraskevas Tzakos, Aleksandar Pavić, Mirjana Dimitrijević, Andjelina Jovanović, Milan B. Jovanović, Sérgio Marinho, Inês Castro-Almeida, Vesna Otašević, Pedro Moura-Alves, Andreas G. Tzakos and Ivana Stojanović. Development of FluoAHRL: A Novel Synthetic Fluorescent Compound That Activates AHR and Potentiates Anti-Inflammatory T Regulatory Cells. June, 2024


Single-cell profiling of MC1R-inhibited melanocytes, 2024

H Matthew Berns, Dawn E Watkins-Chow, Sizhu Lu, Pakavarin Louphrasitthiphol, Tongwu Zhang, Kevin M Brown, Pedro Moura-Alves, Colin R Goding, William J Pavan. Single-cell profiling of MC1R-inhibited melanocytes. March, 2024.


Detection of Neutralizing Antibodies in COVID-19 Patients from Steve Biko Academic Hospital Complex: A Pilot Study, 2023

Kgatle, M., Chalwe. J.M., van der Westhuizen, D., Xu, X., Damane, B.P., Mathebela, P., Ueckermann, V., Mayaphi, S., Gomes Rodrigues, H., Moura-Alves, P., Ndlovu, H., Mzizi, Y., Zongo, L., Hairwadzi, H., Vorster, M., Zeevart, J.R., Sathekge, M. Detection of Neutralizing Antibodies in COVID-19 Patients from Steve Biko Academic Hospital Complex: A Pilot Study. July, 2023.

DOI: 10.3390/covid3070072

Loss of MC1R signaling implicates TBX3 in pheomelanogenesis and melanoma predisposition, 2023

H. Matthew Berns, Dawn E. Watkins-Chow, Sizhu LuPakavarin Louphrasitthiphol, Tongwu Zhang, Kevin M. BrownPedro Moura-Alves, Colin R. Goding, William J. Pavan. Loss of MC1R signaling implicates TBX3 in pheomelanogenesis and melanoma predisposition , March, 2023.


Targeting the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor by gut phenolic metabolites: A strategy towards gut inflammation, 2023

Pinto, C.J.G., Ávila-Gálvez, M.Á., Lian, Y., Moura-Alves, P., Nunes dos Santos, C.*,  Targeting the aryl hydrocarbon receptor by gut phenolic metabolites: A strategy towards gut inflammation., Redox Biology (2023), February 1, 2023.

DOI: 10.1016/j.redox.2023.102622

The highly potent AhR Agonist Picoberin Modulates Hh-Dependent Osteoblast differentiation, 2022

Flegel, J., Shaaban,S., Jia, Z.K., Schulte, B., Lian, Y., Krzyzanowski, A.,Metz, M., Schneidewing, T., Wesseler, F., Flegel, A., Reich, Moura-Alves, P., The highly potent AhR agonist Picoberin modulates Hh-dependent osteoblast differentiation., Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2022), December 22.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c00956

Seminar Organization

26/06/2024 | Colin Goding | Phenotype switching in cancer

26/06/2024 | Phenotype switching in cancer | Friday Noon Seminar

Colin Goding
[Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of Oxford, United Kingdom | Lead Participant]

28/05/2024 | Paulo Bettencourt | Identification of antigens presented by MHC-I and MHC-II through immunopeptidomics for vaccines against tuberculosis

28/05/2024 | Identification of antigens presented by MHC-I and MHC-II through immunopeptidomics for vaccines against tuberculosis | Satellite Seminar

Paulo Bettencourt
[Católica Medial School, Lisbon, Portugal | Lead Participant]

22/04/2024 | Pritesh Jaychand Lalwani | Epidemiological and Immunological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases in Amazonia

22/04/2024 | Epidemiological and Immunological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases in Amazonia | Satellite Seminar

Pritesh Jaychand Lalwani
[Instituto Leônidas e Maria Deane (ILMD/Fiocruz Amazônia), Manaus, Brazil | Lead Participant]

22/03/2024 | Mohlopheni Jackson Marakalala | Inflammatory mediators of TB granuloma caseation

22/04/2024 | Inflammatory mediators of TB granuloma caseation | Friday Noon Seminars

Mohlopheni Jackson Marakalala
[Africa Health Research Institute, South Africa | Lead Participant]

21/02/2024 | Zdenek Dvorak | Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor targeting with allosteric and orthosteric ligands

22/04/2024 | Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor targeting with allosteric and orthosteric ligands | Satellite Seminar

Zdenek Dvorak
[Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, Czechia | Lead Participant]

03/10/2023 | Andreas Diefenbach | The innate immune system and tissue homeostasis

03/10/2023 | The innate immune system and tissue homeostasis6th i3S PhDay

Andreas Diefenbach
[Institute of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany | Lead Participant]

17/03/2023 | Alan Sher | Microbial priming of the lung for control of SARS-CoV2 infection

17/03/2023 | Microbial priming of the lung for control of SARS-CoV2 infection | Friday Noon Seminars

Alan Sher
[National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIH), USA| Lead Participant]

28/10/2022 | Stefan H.E. Kaufmann | Tuberculosis: From basic research to rational design of novel diagnostic and preventive measures

28/10/2022 | Tuberculosis: From basic research to rational design of novel diagnostic and preventive measures | Friday Noon Seminars

Stefan H.E. Kaufmann
[Max Plank Institute, Germany | Lead Participant]

Scientific Event Organization

18/03/2024-22/03/2024 | 10th MCBiology Advanced Course in Infection and Immunity

i3S, Porto, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves, Margarida Saraiva, Nuno Alves

[ Organization Committee ]

18/10/2023 | PhasAGE R&I Winter School, i3S
24/05/2023 | i3S - Infection, Immunity and Regeneration Programme Retreat

Ordem dos Médicos, Porto, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves, Helena Azevedo, Inês Gonçalves

Organization Committee ]

17/03/2023 | I ImmunoHUB Annual Meeting, i3S
14/03/2023-17/03/2023 | 9th MCBiology Advanced Course in Infection and Immunity

i3S, Porto, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves, Margarida Saraiva, Nuno Alves

Organization Committee ]

01/03/2022-04/03/2022 | 8th MCBiology Advanced Course in Infection and Immunity

i3S, Porto, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves, Margarida Saraiva, Nuno Alves

Organization Committee ]

Scientific Event Participation

12/06/2024-15/06/2024 | 6th International Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR) Meeting - Research, Prevention, Therapeutics
Dusseldorf, Germany

Pedro Moura-Alves

24/05/2024-25/05/2024 | SINAL2024 - 11th meeting on signal transduction

University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Inês Almeida

08/05/2024-10/05/2024 | IJUP - Investigação Jovem Universidade do Porto

University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Beatriz Moreira, Cátia Santos, Inês Almeida

03/05/2024-05/05/2024 | Encontro Ciência 2024
18-19/04/2024 | 10th McBiology Symposium

i3S, Porto, Portugal

Xuwen Zeng, Thales Costa


17/04/2024-19/04/2024 | XLIX Annual Meeting Portuguese Society of Immunology
04/12/2023 | Theranostics, Basic and Translational Research Symposium
Nuclear Medicine Research Infrastructure (NuMeRi).

Pretoria, South Africa

Pedro Moura-Alves

27/11/2023-03/12/2023 | 18th International Congress of Immunology
International Union of Immunological Societies.

Cape Town, South Africa

Pedro Moura-Alves

17/10/2023 | iMed Conference 15.0

Nova Medical School, Lisboa, Portugal.

+ Info:

Talk: The AHR: from a xenobiotic sensor to a Pattern Recognition Receptor, playing a role in immunity to infection and drug-therapy

Inês Almeida

[ Participant ]

03/10/2023-04/10/2023 | 6th PhDay - Brilliant PhDs, brighter future: Shaping Science together!
27/06/2023 | X BiotechHealth Annual Meeting Symposium

i3S, Porto, Portugal

+ Info:

Tânia Lima

[ Invited speaker, Round Table Discussion ]

23/05/2023 | XXVIII Infection and Sepsis Symposium
Porto, Portugal + Info: Talk: Sensing bacterial quorum: an AHR guided tour to host defence mechanisms and drug efficacy during infection Pedro Moura-Alves
10/05/2023 | IJUP - Investigação Jovem Universidade do Porto
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

+ Info:

Talk: Dissecting the roles of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in melanoma: from a sensor to a regulator of the melanoma microenvironment

Beatriz Moreira

10/05/2023 | IJUP - Investigação Jovem Universidade do Porto
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

+ Info:

Talk: T(AHR)getting the AHR: mapping the road of a xenobiotic sensor, from disease to a therapeutic target

Inês Almeida

27/04/2023 | II TOXRUN International Congress
Hotel Cristal, Porto, Portugal

+ Info:

Talk: The AHR: from a xenobiotic sensor to a Pattern Recognition Receptor, playing a role in immunity to infection and drug-therapy

Pedro Moura-Alves

27/04/2023 | II TOXRUN International Congress
Hotel Cristal, Porto, Portugal

+ Info:

Poster: T(AHR)getting the AHR: mapping the road of a xenobiotic sensor, from disease to a therapeutic target

Inês Almeida

12/04/2023 | XIV Biochemistry Day
University of, Aveiro, Portugal

Poster: T(AHR)getting the AHR: mapping the road of a xenobiotic sensor, from disease to a therapeutic target

Inês Almeida

29/03/2023 | XLVIII Sociedade Portuguesa Imunologia Annual Meeting
22/03/2023 | 26th symposium: Infection and Immune Defense
German Society for Immunology (DGfI) Rothenfels, Germany

+ Info:

Talk: AHR sensing bacterial quorum during infection

Pedro Moura-Alves

13/02/2023 | 7th Symposium of the MSc in Oncology
Instituto Português Oncologia, Porto, Portugal

Talk: Dissecting the roles of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in melanoma: from a sensor to a regulator of the melanoma microenvironment

Beatriz Moreira

09/02/2023 | 9th McBiology Symposium
15/07/2022 | IRCI2022 - Immune Responses in Cancer and Infection

Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie, Lyon, France

+ Info:

Pedro Moura-Alves

20/06/2022 | AHR symposium 2022 - Toxicity to Therapeutics

Penn State University, Pennsylvania, USA

+ Info:

Talk: AHR sensing bacterial quorum during infection

Pedro Moura-Alves

14/06/2022 | IRCI2022 - Immune Responses in Cancer and Infection
14/06/2022 | LICR Retreat
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Oxford, UK

+ Info:

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, cancer and therapy

Pedro Moura-Alves

12/05/2022 | Porto Cancer Meeting
01/04/2022 | Workshop: Manuscript Writing and Publication
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves

04/04/2022 | Workshop: Pathogen Immunity and Signaling
EMBO, Saint-Malo, France

+ Info:

Talk: AhR sensing bacterial quorum during infection and its impact on antibiotic therapy

Pedro Moura-Alves


05/07/2024 | Instituto Gulbenkian Ciência

Oeiras, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity, and therapy

19/06/2024 | University of Perugia

Perugia, Italy

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity and therapy

15/06/2024 | IUF - Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine

6th International AHR Meeting: Research, Prevention, Therapy

Dusseldorf, Germany

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: AHR sensing microbial infections: a ticket to multiple destinations

06/05/2024 | Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Berlin, Germany

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection and therapy

29/01/2024 | Leidein University
Zebrafish Interest Meeting

Leiden, The Netherlands

Pedro Curto

Talk: Sensing and responding to rickettsial infections

25/01/2024 | Católica Medical School 

Lisbon, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity and therapy

12/12/2023 | Africa Health Research Institute

Durban, África do Sul

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity and therapy

02/12/2023 | University of Cape Town

18th IUIS International Congress of Immunology

Cape Town, South Africa

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: AHR sensing bacterial quorum and infection dynamics

04/12/2023 | Nuclear Medicine Research Infrastructure (NuMeRi)

Theranostics, Basic and Translational Research Symposium 2023

Pretoria, África do Sul

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Immune Sensing & Signaling Dynamics

04/05/2023 | i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

Porto, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity and therapy

29/11/2022 | CICS - Health Sciences Research Center, University Beira Interior 

Covilhã, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in immunity to infection and drug delivery

24/11/2022 | Lund Stem Cell Center, Lund University

Lund, Sweden

Pedro Moura Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in immunity to infection and drug delivery

22/11/2022 | Skin Immunology Research Center, Department of Immunology and Microbiology

Copenhagen, Denmark

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity and drug therapy

16/11/2022 | Instituto Gulbenkian Ciência

Lisboa, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity and drug therapy

11/07/2022 | ICVS - Life and Health Sciences Research Institute University of Minho

Braga, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in host interactions and response

06/07/2022 | Department of Infection Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, University of Sheffield

Sheffield, UK

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: AHR sensing bacterial quorum during infection

24/06/2022 | Albany Medical Center

Albany, USA

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity and drug therapy

01/06/2022 | The Duve Institute-Université Catholique de Louvain

Louvain, Belgium

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity and drug therapy

04/05/2022 | Microbiology Institute-Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen

Erlangen, Germany

Pedro Moura-Alves

Talk: Connections in the AHR: a ticket to multiple destinations in infection, immunity and drug therapy

Jury / Evaluation Panel

17/04/2024-19/04/2024 | XLIX Annual Meeting Portuguese Society of Immunology

Porto, Portugal

Palmira Barreira-Silva

[ Abstract Evaluator ]

10/10/2023 - Present | Annual Review of Progress of the PhD in Biochemistry

University of Beira Interior, Portugal

Pedro Moura-Alves

[ Advisor ]

3-4/10/2023 | 6th i3S PhD Symposium

i3S, Porto, Portugal

Palmira Barreira-Silva

[ Abstract Evaluator ]

17/03/2023 | I ImmunoHUB Annual Meeting

i3S, Porto, Portugal.

Pedro Moura-Alves, Pedro Curto, Tãnia Lima,Palmira Barreira- Silva

Abstract Evaluator ]

17/03/2023 | I ImmunoHUB Annual Meeting
i3S, Porto, Portugal

Beatriz Moreira, Inês Almeida

[ Oral Presentation Evaluation ]

23-24/02/2023 | 9th MCbiology Symposium
i3S, Porto, Portugal

Palmira Barreira-Silva

Poster Evaluator ]

Awards & Distinctions

01/08/2024 | PhD Fellowship of Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
01/08/2024 | PhD Fellowship of Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
01/08/2024 | PhD Fellowship of Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
27/06/2024 | One of the best oral presentations in the Biological Sciences session | IJUP 2024

University of Porto, Portugal

Inês Castro Almeida

17/05/2024 | Best Poster Award | Encontro de Biotecnologia Medicinal  

School of Health Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Cátia Santos

2024 | ESCMID Individual Research Grant 2024

European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Switzerland 

Palmira Barreira-Silva

28/09/2023 | Grand Prize | sPITCHless MED+ event

University of Aveiro, Portugal

Inês Castro Almeida

16/06/2023 | FEBS Summer Fellowship 2023

Federation of European Societies of Biochemistry

Beatriz Moreira

29/06/2024 | Recognized as one of the best oral presentations in the Health Sciences session | IJUP 2023

University of Porto, Portugal

Inês Castro Almeida


14/06/2023 | CSC scholarship 2023

China Scholarship Council

Xuwen Zeng

2023 | UBI Faculty of Sciences “Alumni Science Wall of Fame”

Faculty of Sciences, University of Beira Interior

Pedro Moura-Alves

2023 | FEMS Research & Training Grant

Federation Of European Microbiological Societies, The Netherlands

Pedro Curto

2023 | ID MOSBRI-2023-222: T(AHR)get 2.0- Upgrading an MST-based assay to unveil ligand binding to the AHR

Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure, Denmark

Pedro Curto

International Internships

17/06/2024-28/06/2024 | Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Host: Dr. Tatsiana Charnavets

Pedro Curto

29/01/2024-09/02/2024 | Leiden University, The Netherlands

Leiden University, The Netherlands

Host: Prof. Annemarie Meijer

Pedro Curto

01/09/2023-31/10/2023 | Ludwig Cancer Research, University of Oxford, UK

Ludwig Cancer Research, University of Oxford, UK

Host: Prof. Colin Goding

Beatriz Moreira