Beatriz Moreira, a student of the Master of Oncology at ICBAS, and developing research at the i3S, recently received a summer grant from the Federation of European Societies of Biochemistry (FEBS Summer Fellowship) which will allow her to carry out a two-month internship in the laboratory of researcher Colin Goding, at Ludwig Cancer Research at the University of Oxford.

Beatriz Moreira’s master’s project is being developed in the “Immune Sensing and Signaling Dynamics” group, under the guidance of researcher Pedro Moura-Alves, holder of the ERA Chair ImmunoHUB and he explains that it aims to “study the role of the receptor of aryl hydrocarbon (AHR) in the context of melanoma, and its role in the immune response and anti-tumor therapy”.
In the laboratory of Prof. Colin Goding at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in Oxford, Beatriz Moreira says “I will evaluate the role of the AHR receptor in different cells of the skin and of the immune system. The goal is to understand how the AHR receptor can affect communication between the various cells involved in this type of cancer, opening doors to potential new therapeutic approaches”.
This FEBS scholarship, continues the master’s student, “will allow me to learn new techniques and generate important data that will expand the current results of the research group where I am working”.
FEBS Summer Fellowships are awarded to PhD and Masters students in the FEBS field for a research stay of six to twelve weeks in the laboratory of their choice in a different FEBS country. Ideally, the stay should take place in the summer and the research topic should support your degree. Selected candidates receive 3500 euros for travel and subsistence expenses. Additionally, a prize of 500 euros will also be awarded to the author of the best report on the work carried out during the scholarship.
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